I'm changing
I'm changing. The focus of my doing in the past was to gain attention and respect (or even admiration). In my days at school, I felt that I constantly had to prove myself. When I took the admission test to the Austrian high intelligence society and passed it in my first year at university, I finally felt that the proof that I was superior was there. Nevertheless I remained pushy: on the contrary, this trait increased as I now had the seemingly naive feeling of being predestinated to great success in my studies and in science, while my marks actually got worse since I wasn't naturally interested in memorizing the facts the medicine curriculum required at that stage. It was good to start computer science as it showed me the real significance of my talents (i.e. that I merely have an easy time with logics-related things compared to other students, while I'm not equally outstanding at memorizing facts). Meanwhile I accept not getting only A's. I'm not forcing myself any