My Reading List 2017
In 2017, I have bought a lot of books. This is only an excerpt from the complete list: 1. Turings Kathedrale (George Dyson, 2012). Original title: Turing's Cathedral. A book about computers, especially about the early days when people such as Alan Turing and John Von Neumann were still alive. Status: not finished reading yet. I have started reading it again and again several times because I wanted to memorize more details. I have not got close to even 50% of the text yet. 2. Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell, 2008). A very good book. Status: not finished reading yet. I have read only the first couple of chapters. I wrote about them in my blog a couple of weeks ago. I have not arrived closer to the end of the text yet. 3. Der soziale Schwan (Florian Willet, 2013). A German book that tries to make a synthesis of Darwinism, Economics, Social Sciences, etc. Very original ideas. Too bad the style is quite amateurish. Status: not finished reading yet. So far, I have read about 20% of the