Status report
Not much exciting has happened. Just a small update so you know what I've done lately.
* Hugi: I've updated the article index at Now it features all German and English issues released thus far. Another nice, not too special goodie will be released in a couple of days. I've also made new screenshots of issues 11 - 30 for pouet (for better consistency, as somebody has added screenshots of issues 1 - 10 showing the background / main menu pics) and posted instructions for the gloperators to "fix me beautifull". Let's see if they'll fix it or if I'll have to remind them again.
* Homepage: From time to time I'll add articles which I wrote for various Hugi issues. In the last few days I've added some "scene fiction" and reviews. I've decided not to add all the texts I've planned (some of them were not so interesting IMHO, or were written in collaboration with others with me writing less than half of the article), so it will be fewer than 50 articles that I'll add in the next days/weeks.
* Wikipedia: Gotta do something about the Hugi pages at Wikipedia. While the German page is "stable", the English one is marked for deletion. I need to prove the significance of Hugi in some way to satisfy Wikipedia moderators. mados has made some suggestions; maybe you have some, too.
* Articles: I'll see to it that I write a new article for Hugi once a week so that a critical mass accumulates until the time when the next issue will be ready for release and I won't have to stress myself too much then... My plan for the next article is to review the 64k intros from Assembly 2006.
* Reading: There are so many interesting books that I've even made a priority list. Top priority is the textbook on social medicine since I want to take the exam on it in mid/end September. I've already read about 80 out of 140 pages. Then come books on forensic medicine and law for medical students which I've borrowed from the university library. They're very interesting. But I cannot take the exam in the near future yet since I first have to do a practical course. The signing up for the course will be sometime in September. OK, that was what I remembered. Now let me check the list... Ah yes, the next is the book on fuzzy set theory. Then comes "The Code Book" which a co-worker has lent to me. (It's just at that place in the list because it's not my own book.) Sixth is "Psychiatrie, Psychoanalyse und die neue Biologie des Geistes" by Eric Kandel. And then I've also found an interesting biography about Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud who invented public relations. I guess I'll read that now in bed. I've also found a copy of the famous book 1984 by George Orwell, which I haven't read thus far, either - although I know its basic plot from discussions at school and other places.
* Gamedev: Not much progress. After my LJ posting about my problems displaying bitmaps, I got working solutions from iliks and LittleJohn based on SDL.NET and DirectDraw, respectively. I'll buy Visual Studio 2005 tomorrow or in one of the next days and then try both variants. Maybe I'll get coding this or next weekend - but as you see, I have many other priorities. Of course I'm also looking for someone to make gfx and music. Regarding gfx, I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to use real photos. On the Internet there are a lot of people who have a penchant for fantasy and love to dress like fairies, magicians, demons, elfs, vampires etc. I guess there hasn't been a game like Shining Force with real characters yet, has there?
* Work: I'm spending 8 hours a day at Siemens until the end of August. Work is nice - there is a friendly atmosphere and a great canteen. So far my tasks have not been too difficult, but I've already had the opportunity to do something creative, which I enjoyed. It's a project that suits my academic interests rather well.
* Spare time: This long weekend (Saturday to Tuesday) I went out to Lainzer Tiergarten and Cobenzl. Especially the former location is a place where I often was as a young child. This, combined with the working at a company, has given me back the feeling that I'm a human being (rather than a knowledge-based system). I'm happy to be living in Vienna, it's quite a beautiful city with a lot of interesting spots to explore and enjoy spending time at. Well, and apart from that, I've mostly been playing games and watching TV.
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