Day 6 of the Level Editor project

I decided that I would make the level scrollable today, so that tiles could be placed outside the first screen.

In game.h, we define two new variables

unsigned int currentPosX;
unsigned int currentPosY;

which we set to zero in the Initialize method. These variables will store the current position in the world, where x,y = 0,0 is the bottom-left corner.

We need to consider this position whenever we work with coordinates of tiles. So in the Update method, we have to write:

case Solid:
newElement->coordX0 += currentPosX;
newElement->coordX1 += currentPosX;
newElement->coordY0 += currentPosY;
newElement->coordY1 += currentPosY;

and evaluate the keypresses:

if (g_keys->keyDown[VK_UP])

if (g_keys->keyDown[VK_DOWN])
if (currentPosY > 0) currentPosY--;

if (g_keys->keyDown[VK_LEFT])
if (currentPosX > 0) currentPosX--;

if (g_keys->keyDown[VK_RIGHT])

For the Draw method, we define two auxiliary methods to compute the correct coordinates:

unsigned int Game::TransformX(unsigned int x0)
GlobalStatics globalStatics;
if (x0 < currentPosX)
x0 = 0;
x0 -= currentPosX;
if (x0 > globalStatics.worldX) x0 = globalStatics.worldX;
return x0;

unsigned int Game::TransformY(unsigned int y0)
GlobalStatics globalStatics;
if (y0 < currentPosY)
y0 = 0;
y0 -= currentPosY;
if (y0 > globalStatics.worldY) y0 = globalStatics.worldY;
return y0;

Then we write in the Draw method:

case Solid:
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.2f);
glVertex2f(TransformX(i->coordX0), TransformY(i->coordY0));
glVertex2f(TransformX(i->coordX1), TransformY(i->coordY0));
glVertex2f(TransformX(i->coordX1), TransformY(i->coordY1));
glVertex2f(TransformX(i->coordX0), TransformY(i->coordY1));

These transform methods help us clip the tiles.

In the SaveLevel method we also have to compute the size of the level based on the coordinates of the tiles:

for (auto const& i : level)
levelSizeX = max(levelSizeX, i->coordX1);
levelSizeY = max(levelSizeY, i->coordY1);

That should do it.


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