
Pharmacology exam

I've successfully passed my pharmacology exam. The exam was oral and long: it lasted three hours. (Some of this time was occupied by another student, who did the exam at the same time as me, but it was the minor part of the time since he already gave up after the first question.) For the first question, Prof. Freissmuth gave me a D, for the second a B and for the third a B-, so in total I got a C.  Now I've completed the second phase of my medical studies, and in autumn, the third and final phase is going to start.


As I'm finally being honest to myself (which is the necessary basis for becoming an ordinary human being), I start considering that I'm INTP rather than INTJ. The belief that introverted intuition were my dominant function stems from the fact that I value ideas a lot, and introverted intuition is the source of ideas. But as a matter of fact, I'm not that good an idea-generator. I mostly take my ideas from the external world. It was clear for me when I got into Myers-Briggs in summer 2004 that I must be J, because of my upbringing. At least my mother is strongly J, and I've always been told, "What you do, you have to do properly." But as a matter of fact, my life-style is more chaotic than a true J's would probably be. In studying, I often digress, dealing extensively with certain chapters that currently attract my interest, instead of dealing with the chapters I actually planned to study on the very day. The major point for me to believe I'm rather INT

Ah yeah...

I now recall I've also planned to read the book on Fuzzy Set Theory in September, as I want to take an exam on it (with the book's author as my examinator) in October. The website of my former high school has got a new design, . Looks a bit better than before now. The curricula have also changed to the better, me thinks. Physics, biology, chemistry labs, both technical and textile handicraft for boys and girls, French in addition to English from grade 1 on... I think both the curricula for "Gymnasium" and "Realgymnasium mit naturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt" are quite good; the other two curricula aren't that exciting.

Yet Another Good Motto

Just found in the Informatik-Forum: "Nimm das Leben nicht zu ernst - du kommst aus der Sache sowieso nicht lebend raus" ("Don't take life too seriously - you won't get out alive anyway")

Eignungstest für Medizinische Studiengänge I'm happy that from now on, it's required to pass this test in order to start studying medicine in Vienna! It will make sure that in future, only highly intelligent people will be studying medicine in Vienna. I'm already excited about checking out the freshman chicks coming Winter! Now I can finally choose according to character and looks without having to worry about their intellectual profile.

Another step to my degree finished

As our software engineering project for university has now officially ended, I can concentrate even more on studying pharmacology, which I need badly since the exam is gonna be in exactly a week (July 14th). Afterwards work on Hugi 32 will start. In August I'll be working 1 month at Siemens (unless they throw me out before the end of the month). Maybe I'll have some time to relax in September. I've also had some ideas for intros and games to code - let's see. But perhaps I'll already start working on the project for my Bachelor's degree in September...

Sigmund Freud and me

The News Verlag publishes an audio CD series called "Spuren" in which biographies of famous historical persons such as Mozart, Einstein, Heine, Marx, Brecht and Klimt are presented. My mother was given the edition about Sigmund Freud as a present by a colleague of hers and passed the CD on to me. I listened to it a couple of days ago, and I think I'll just tell you some of what I thus learned about Freud without commenting it any further: Freud was always the best pupil in his class and "in bevorzugter Stellung", which means that he was examined by his teachers far less often than his classmates. He did not believe that it was his vocation to become a physician, neither before, during nor after his medical studies. That's why he needed a whole 8 years to complete his medical degree. (I don't know exactly, but I guess the regular study duration was 5 or 6 years back then. Nowadays it's 6 years.) His reason for studying medicine was his interest in hum


I stayed at our class reunion meeting until about 2:00 am. Then I had a long journey back home since my usual train doesn't go before about 6:00 am. I walked from "Altes AKH" (9th district) to the state opera (1st district) - a walk of 45 minutes or more - and waited for the nightbus there. I took the bus to Alterlaa (23rd district), then I walked home (something like 30 minutes). Finally I was at home at about 5:30 am. Never done anything like this before.