
Deutsche klüger als Österreicher?

Diese Frage stellt sich zumindest aufgrund des Ergebnisses des Eignungstests für Medizinische Studiengänge (EMS), der dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal als Voraussetzung für ein Medizinstudium in Wien oder Innsbruck durchgeführt wurde.  Siehe:

More time to work on Hugi

I would have been going to visit NuKe/Fairlight tomorrow, but as I learned today, he unfortunately suffers from a (minor) injury and will have to take a rest for 6 weeks. Hereby I wish him a good recovery!

Future is getting brighter and brighter

I've just bought the official textbook for my next exam, social medicine. It's merely 140 pages and easy to read - what a great contrast to my previous exam, for which I had to study more than 1000 pages full of strange proper names, complicated chemical formulae, long lists of indications and contraindications, and difficult physiological mechanisms! I'm rather optimistic about my chances that I'll pass the 12 last exams of my medical studies in the 2 remaining years which the government has allowed me to spend studying until I'll have to do my alternative service. The only difficulty is that I'll have to do a practical course in each subject before taking the related exam, and getting places for these courses isn't always easy.

A sudden idea

During my pharmacology exam I told my professor where I had been spending my clerkships, to which he reacted: "All of these are para-medical subjects!" True. Radiology, radiotherapy, laboratory diagnostics, ... - that's not really what you'd consider core subjects of medicine. Now I've drawn an analogy. In the demoscene, I've been spending my time making a diskmag and reporting about people who made demos, instead of trying to make a demo myself. With time, I've grown to feel bad about this. I must not repeat this error in my medical career. I must start out as a real physician!

ASD hacked!

I'm working on reviews of some demos for Hugi 32. One of them is Animal Attraction by ASD ( ). When I noticed that the .jpg files were encrypted, I tried to crack them - successfully. I'm now in a childish state of euphoria since I used to consider Navis a great coder and wouldn't have expected him to use such an easy-to-crack encryption algorithm. But I guess it's simply that he is a graphics programming specialist and hasn't dealt much with cryptology yet. The demo itself is very nice. I'll save my more detailed comments for Hugi.


Some people use the term "stalking" for watching other people's LJs. I'm irritated by this. In Austria an anti-stalking law has recently been enacted. I quote: Beharrliche Verfolgung § 107a. (1) Wer eine Person widerrechtlich beharrlich verfolgt (Abs. 2), ist mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr zu bestrafen. (2) Beharrlich verfolgt eine Person, wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, sie in ihrer Lebensführung unzumutbar zu beeinträchtigen, eine längere Zeit hindurch fortgesetzt 1. ihre räumliche Nähe aufsucht, 2. im Wege einer Telekommunikation oder unter Verwendung eines sonstigen Kommunikationsmittels oder über Dritte Kontakt zu ihr herstellt, 3. unter Verwendung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten Waren oder Dienstleistungen für sie bestellt oder 4. unter Verwendung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten Dritte veranlasst, mit ihr Kontakt aufzunehmen. (3) In den Fällen des Abs. 2 Z 2 ist der Täter nur auf Antrag der beharrlich verfolgten Person zu verfolgen. In this context, I w

Pharmacology exam

I've successfully passed my pharmacology exam. The exam was oral and long: it lasted three hours. (Some of this time was occupied by another student, who did the exam at the same time as me, but it was the minor part of the time since he already gave up after the first question.) For the first question, Prof. Freissmuth gave me a D, for the second a B and for the third a B-, so in total I got a C.  Now I've completed the second phase of my medical studies, and in autumn, the third and final phase is going to start.